3rd pregnancy, 1st ultrasound stressing me out big time. **PICS AT BOTTOM OF POST


I'm 32 and I have an 8 yr old son and an 11 month old son, and pregnant with 3rd baby.. quick background.. my youngest was born June 11, 2017 and since he was born I've only had my period ONE time which was on January 6, 2018 and it was a totally normal period, no birth control of any kind. I took a pregnancy test in February, it was negative, and then I took another test in March and it was also negative. April rolls around and I started feeling really sick, nauseas, no energy, thought I had the flu.. well after being sick for almost 2wks, I decided to take another pregnancy test on April 15th and it was positive. I took one the very next morning to double check and it was also positive. I was so sick for a good month and a half and am just now finally starting to feel semi normal again and be able to function. My first dr appt was today.. dr did an ultrasound to determine how far along I am. Going off LMP I'd be 19+6.. but after she took the measurements, she said i'm somewhere between 12 and 14 wks as she said she couldn't get super accurate measurements.. I've posted the picture of the measurements she got.. but for the femur length(FL) she got 2 totally different measurements, the first one was 5.59, her 2nd was 0.79.. and for the crown rump length(CRL), she got 5.83 and 6.26

so basically I guess most of the measurements are showing 13ish wks, but the CRL is showing 12ish wks and FL is showing 19wks.. but the biparietal diameter (BPD) is showing 14ish wks, but at the top of the measurements it says 16wks. ahhh in driving myself absolutely crazy looking at all these numbers and trying to figure them out. I am going to get blood work done for genetic testing and the gender and she's also sending me

elsewhere for another ultrasound bc ot the ther measurements she got.. she didn't seem worried at all and said sometimes her machine doesn't cooperate but idk if she was just saying that so I wouldn't freak out or not.. anyways I'm just really confused and freaking myself out.. i'm especially frustrated bc of not having the slightest clue as to when I got pregnant. I'm hoping someone here can help me, or maybe help me to read these measurements better or give me some input. I've literally been googling stuff all day and literally driving myself crazy and i really need to stop but I can't. So i'm hoping that by posting here will help me get by until I get the blood work and next scan done. Thank you all for any input, I appreciate it!