36 weeks 3 days cramping


I’ve been cramping on and off for a week now. I keep wondering if it’s almost time! My doctor gave me June 20th as my due date. When I calculated based on conception date, my due date was June 11. When I went in for my gender reveal ultrasound Dr said baby was measuring more like June 15. So I guess he could be here at anytime now.

This is my second pregnancy but with my daughter, my water broke but I wasn’t having any contractions so they had to induce me and I got an epidural pretty early on. I don’t really remember what contractions felt like. These cramps I’m having now mostly come during the night and feel like menstrual cramps.

What do you think? Body is just preparing or could we be getting really close to D-day?!

I can’t wait to meet him 😍

Y’all also say a prayer he doesn’t come until at least Monday night. My husband has to go 7 hours away for his little sisters graduation so he will be gone Sunday and Most of Monday. I’m so nervous the baby is going to come while he’s gone! 😳