Before I say anything, let me begin with the fact that I've been sick since Nov. 2015, so if you're just grossed out or gonna give me shit (haha), please just leave. I have zero tolerance.

And please, nobody tell me to see my doctor, I have 3 specialists and 4 surgeries in June. Just wondering if maybe anyone else might have a clue.


I'm 20 years old and got pnuemonia when I was 17. Ever since, I threw up everyday/every other day. That stopped around Feb. 2017 after I dropped over 50 lbs from it. After a while, I started getting major abdominal pain starting in August 2017 and was in and out of the ER due to the severity (I have a high pain tolderance, I did both of my foot surgeries to reconstruct them with no pain relievers).

CT scans show that my appendix is large, but it's no emergency to be removed, because I don't have appendicitis. So they will be removing that during one of my surgeries next month. We are hoping that most of the abdominal pain is from the so called "chronic appendicitis".

Now to the gross part.

I normally poop 2-4 times daildaily. The past month has been diarrhea/soft, mushy stools. And over the past week, I've been completely consitpated (nothing coming out even if it feels like I have to go). Both pee or poop.

Now, I'm going to add some photos also. Please let me know if this is something to be concerned about. I thought yes, but my doctor said some mucus is okay in stool (he didn't see the se photos).

After I wiped:

This is just a close up (sorry):

This is the last thing that came out of me: