38+4 my water just broke!!!! ****update #2****


I guess I’m going to the hospital!!!


So my water broke at 8 am got to the hospital around 10 am they started pitocin around 11am and I’m just now (12:30am) dilated to a 9.5 but my cervix has a grape sized swollen spot preventing my from getting the okay to push. Please pray it goes down I really don’t want to have a csection. 😕

****update #2 for anyone wondering****

Nurses put me doggy style in my labor bed for 15 mins to relief the pressure from my cervix and help swelling go down as a last resort to avoid csection. Well it worked! I was ready to push around 145 and at 157 I had the scariest moment of my entire. My baby girl’s head and shoulders were too broad for my birth canal. When the dr pulled her head out she was blue and not breathing. She had to rotate her arms around in order to get her shoulders out and almost broke her left collarbone. RT was called in immediately and I was petrified. Thank God she cried a few moments later and although she was stressed out she was okay. I had tried to talk to my dr about her size being a concern but I was blown off each time. Ultrasounds showed she was measuring big and I’m a small person so all the signs were there. Ladies follow your gut. Listen to your instincts and do whatever you have to in order to be heard. Baby and I are both okay now and enjoying getting to know one another.