Finally found a food!!


I’ve had so many food aversions with this pregnancy!! Normally I eat EXTREMELY healthy with lots of veggies and protein but NOTHING seemed to sound or taste good. I even tried to make myself eat veggies, meat, fruit and healthy stuff but it all grossed me out, esp broccoli which is my fav food. So I was mainly eating junk food or microwave things bc once I cooked something myself I couldn’t stand the thought of eating it (& I make almost everything I eat homemade so that was super weird). I finally made a pretty healthy food that I can actually eat after I cooked it and hope it lasts! Homemade chicken tacos with plenty of avocado, tomatoes, onions and lettuce... so I’m finally getting in more veggies! Yay! (Even salad sounds delicious again & I was able to go for a 2 mile walk last night!!) Now maybe I can lose some of this junk food part of my belly & be/feel healthy again! Thank God for almost being in the 2nd trimester... I was getting super depressed as well but that seems to have lifted too! (I did take my prenatals, Iron & Omega 3 though so I was doing everything I could to keep baby healthy and growing strong even though my eating habits are not something I’m proud of 😅)