Sometimes it’s sooo hard


I took a hpt this morning, i am 9dpo , I didn’t go with my gut that maybe it’s to early or just wait and be patient. Instead I went with my head instead of my heart and took a test. After the first min it had two lines and I started freaking out but then the line disappeared after being on there for a min by the time I waited for my husband to come back from his walk I showed him the test and the line was gone. It made me look crazy!!! I kept telling him do you see it and he would be like no babe. I told him okay maybe it to early. He tells me to wait until my period comes or not, because ever since we started TTC it’s always this way where I get super excited and then around 9-14 dpo I’m just like omg I don’t want to go through this again if I’m not. I didn’t want to show him how I really felt, I just want a baby, I want to give him a baby my son a brother or sister & I want a baby!!!! It’s hard sometimes. I think about it sometimes and would if god is going to let it happen on his time but waiting is soooo hard! Tbh!!! Put every time I just give it to him and pray this month will be my month or this month will be my month! I know I’m still to early but yesterday I went to the er for pain in my right ovary and they did a sonogram and a vaginal one too and only saw a cyst. The blood test and pee test were negative! I’m all over the place sorry! I just needed to vent!!!!!