I need honest opinions *UPDATE!!*

{brandie ♡ rose}

Kinda long story, but I live with my boyfriend. Soon after I moved in one of his buddies got in a fight with his moms husband and moved in also. (We’ll call this friend Ron) well ron has been there since september and is NOT supposed to even be living there because he’s going through a long process with court being accused of child molestation ( don’t know if it’s true or not but makes me uncomfortable) Ron gets disability from the army but doesn’t give any money for bills, he doesn’t go to work he doesn’t help clean up the kitchen if he makes food and doesn’t eat it he leaves it by the couch where my dogs could easily get to it. Well Ron is also a VERY big man whore. He goes to the bar EVERY SINGLE DAY. But need I remind you he doesn’t help us with bills or anything. So along with that he brings home a different person every night let me repeat a DIFFERENT PERSON EVERY NIGHT. Doesn’t know their name, where they’re from phone number or anything. Which concerns me because sometimes they’re married and live in the same neighborhood as us. Sneaks them in and out of his window so their husbands could try to burn our house down or they could simply be crazy and steal everything we have while he’s passed out! So my question is.. how do I say something to my boyfriend about getting him to leave need I remind you he’s court ordered to live with his momma and no where else, I can’t have my niece and nephews over because he’s a registered sex offender and can’t be around kids. His court date keeps getting pushed back so now it’s in September and I feel like I’m gonna tell my boyfriend to kick him out or I’m gonna leave. I’m almost 12 weeks pregnant I have two full time jobs and I don’t need to clean up after a 35 year old man who can’t do anything for himself. Not to mention he can’t be around kids and we need to start planning the nursery which is the room he’s in. So pleeeeease tell me how to ask or tell my boyfriend.


Okay so about a week ago the roommate in question made some salmon salad, and left it out when he got done eating it, I had some and the other room mate had some, well I put the lid on it and told my boyfriend “I’m gonna see how long it takes him to clean this up” today is a week since he made it and my boyfriend left a note this morning when we went to the dog park that said “please clean up your salmon salad” we come home to this note. That said “but it was good right like so good everyone ate some of it but you wanna start shit over it” so I left this note

And I cannot wait for him to come home and say something about it! I honestly think my boyfriend has been waiting for me to say something so he won’t be the bad guy! Which is fine I do not have a problem being mean! He could’ve told me to get on to him. I gladly would have!!

I also left another note about a girl he’s been bringing here every single day that says “p.s. this isn’t a hotel for your flavor of the week so unless you want me to start charging like one I suggest the company stops”