the nerve of people


you know according to my LMP I'm supposed to be due Jan 4 but I found the babies heartbeat last Monday so I'm pretty sure I'm further along cause at the time i would have been 7weeks 4days so I posted on the January page that I'm going to join the December group because I found the babies heartbeat it was so loud and close it sounded like chugachugachugachuga sound of course it was way faster then just reading that but the chick literally told me that wasn't the sound of my babies heart beat and that the heartbeats are a swooshing noise and not anything like a galloping noise and it was my heartbeat I found which pisses me off honestly this is my 3rd child I found 2 of my friends babies heartbeats before they went to the Dr I know what a babies heartbeat sounds like, maybe I'm just hormonal but it really got under my skin. if it was my heartbeat then i need to the hospital cause my heart is beating 125 beats a minute 😂😂