Drama Birth Story!

Nina • Mama of twin girls
Ok so it's been one hell of a day! Was admitted last night, labored non medicated for almost 20 hrs. Was in such agony, couldn't eat, sleep, drink, talk, nothing. I was crying screaming and had back labor.  So I became exhausted and my husband talked me into an epidural. Thank God for the epidural because it was immediate relief. Labored a few hours on that and then pushed for 2 hrs with baby A. She was born but had meconium all over and was drinking it. They let me hold her for what wasn't even a minute and then pedi came to assess her and whisked her off to the NICU. Then my dr only let me try to push for about 20 minutes and told me I needed a csection for baby B. I refused and cried and she made me feel like I was gonna kill her if I didn't agree. She said the baby was too high up and my cervix was starting to close. So we went forth and delivered her caesarean. I cried the entire time. Then they said she had breathing problems and again took her to the NICU. I couldn't be more upset and disappointed with how things went. Now I'm prohibited to eat drink or move. I'm laying down and not even allowed a pillow. Is this normal? How do I feed my babies?!?