Baby Sprinkle


I had my baby sprinkle today and I was almost in tears. I should have learned from when I had my baby shower when I was pregnant with my son, but my friend convinced me to have one. Only 3 guests showed up today. One of guests that was MIA is my hubby's cousin and she said yesterday that she will be here a little after 1pm and we never heard from her since (almost 9pm now). Another MIA guest had set up a ride to and from my house with my hubby because she doesn't drive, but after multiple calls and texts to see what time she wanted to be picked up she never responded back. I made so much food and was looking forward to having fun and some adult conversations. I just feel like all of the time put into it was for nothing. I could care less about getting any gifts. I just wanted to celebrate my last baby with the people who I care about, but seeing how I was ditched I guess the feeling wasn't mutual.