Played Doctor


So at work today, we were closing and one of my coworkers said that she was feeling dizzy. So my friend (another coworker) and I got her (let’s call her M and my friend E) to a chair and a cup of water. She seemed okay for a minute and then out of no where she fell back and E kept her on the chair (no back on the chair) and then she started seizing! M is a bit of a bigger girl, and E and I are very small. So neither of us felt comfortable trying to move her dead weight, so we rolled her to her left side on the chair and held her for dear life so she wouldn’t fall off. My other coworker, A, dialed 911 but she came out of the seizer before he dialed. Also, while she was seizing, her eyes were open but her pupils were not reacting to the light at all until she came to. Once she did, we asked her if she felt okay, and she had no memory of anything after saying she felt dizzy. But she said she didn’t want to go to the hospital. I checked her pupils again, and they reacted. Checked her grip in both hands and they were strong. So my manager sent her home and we called her family to let them know what happened. She later texted to let me know she made it home safe. It was just a crazy experience so I needed to share.