Worried. Please help. TMI

Last night our family went out to eat. We stopped at Pizza Hut and I got the pasta bowl. When we got home I laid down but couldn’t for the life of me get comfortable. My stomach started cramping. I went to the bathroom hoping it was I just needed to poop. (TMI Time) I started pooping and it was like water, then just started throwing up. I threw all the food I ate up and then started to poop once again. After that I drank some water and Gatorade and went back to bed. I felt my little man move around some before I ended up passing out but I couldn’t help but be worried that maybe its food poisoning or something? I’m worried it effected my baby somehow. I haven’t been sick since about 10 weeks so it’s been quite a while. Anyone else experience this and everything be okay? My anxiety is through the roof.