Middle names for Eirlys ❄️

This is a welsh name meaning Snowdrops, this name is very important to us because of the backstory... My grandmother was a botanist and she LOVED winter...it snows a lot where we are and every year she would take some snow and “ keep it” When I told her I was pregnant she reached towards my belly and said “ hello little Eirlys can’t wait to meet you” The day after I told her...she died from a stroke. My grandmother raised me since both of my parents were never around and still aren’t. So before you judge the name because it’s a little difficult to say please remember that I’m a person and do have feelings. Also I’m not WANTING OPINIONS on the FIRST NAME!! Because that would be her name no matter what. Plus if she struggles with pronunciations she can always explain to them the beautiful backstory.

There are a lot of ways people pronounce this name but my grandmother pronounced it

Eye-r-liss or IRE-liss

Really need help with MIDDLE NAMES!!

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