vitamin D for babies


My baby is on Holle goat milk formula which has 320 soemthing iu vitamin d in it, I would like to give her probitotic since it's not in the formula, but probiotics have vitamin d in it as well about 400iu, and I want to give her DHA which is also left out of Holle but the DHA has 400iu in it so I'm confused should I give her the probiotics and Dha just throughout the day? or skip it all together and just give her the formula? I mean I thought vitamin D can not be overdosed and high levels are safe and recommended so it is really a problem if I give her about 1120 iu of vitamin D with all 3 combined? I know the recokmemded amount is 400iu but if vitamin d is safe is there really a problem with going over? does anyone formula feed and add dha and probiotics? I wouldn't add it ever day but maybe 2 or 3 times a week. I'm new to formula feeding I breast fed my 1st for a whole year and supplemented with vit d I also gave him probiotics but I never really thought about the amount of vitamin D he was getting but he doesn't have any issues. I just want to get opinions on this before I do it again if I decide to do it again (by do it again I mean give more than the recommended amount of vit d). thanks in advance.