Birthday Gifts for children

My mother and I got into a argument about me not wanting parents to bring birthday gifts for my son on his birthday.

Now before you ladies get upset. I buy my son everything he needs and wants. He’s not one to ask for much, and when he does, I give it to him (within reason).

lately he’s asked for two expensive gifts (a Polaroid mini camera, and a scooter) no problem. The day of his birthday party, I was going to gift it to him, so he’s not wondering if anyone else will get it for him, and he becomes disappointed.

I was going to put in the invites “gift not required” because I’m more “I want you to come, have fun and enjoy my boys special day”

I was going to add, he likes legos, action figures and add his clothing size, but it’s NOT mandatory.

My mom said “no one wants to go to a birthday party if they can’t bring a gift, what are you paying for then? The gifts are a thank you”

Gifts have never been a big deal to me, if my child wants something, I don’t say “wait for your birthday or Christmas” I give it to him (within reason) I also don’t like a lot of toys he will never play with and I would feel bad. He’s the type of child, if he didn’t ask for it, he doesn’t want it. He’ll be respectful if he gets it, but he most likely will never play with it.

So my question is, should birthday toys be required? Or should guests just come and enjoy the party without an obligation?

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