Birth story 💕 First time mommy


I wanted to share my experience and tell my story 📖 . I will make this quick...My due date was June 9th♊️. I had a good pregnancy up until 28ish weeks when I found out I had GD😩(I gained a significant amount of weight 😕) I was able to control it with my diet.. I didn’t need insulin or meds (thank god 🙏🏻) once I got to around 36 weeks I became extremely itchy😤. I mentioned it to my OB and later found out I had cholestasis. With cholestasis they induce at 37 weeks automatically because after 37 weeks gestation the risk of fetal death is high😨. Which hearing that brought me to tears😭. My doctor called me on a Thursday and said she wanted to induce me that following Monday. I was in shock it all was soo soon😳. My induction was at 7 am. I went into the hospital Monday morning and they checked me and I was 1.5 dilated and 30% effaced. They then gave me a pill to soften the cervix (forget the name) 🤷🏻‍♀️ at around 9am. 4 hours later they checked me and I was 3cm dilated 50% effaced. They decided to give me another pill. The baby was hooked up to the monitor and her heart rate was extremely fast ... in the 170s 🤕. They were very nervous about that and came in and told me I may have to have a c section. I was so sad because that was the last thing I wanted 🙀! It was shift change and a new older doctor came on. He decided to start patocin and go from there before they decided to have a c section🤞🏻. Once they started the patocin I was having minor contractions (nothing crazy). The baby’s heart rate was still very high which they were nervous about. After a few hours my contractions picked up like crazy😬!! I had my mom,sister,aunt,boyfriend and his mom all in the room. I would die during contractions but once they stopped I was talking with all them.. my contractions where like 5 mins apart. Then all of a sudden when I’m talking to them I feel this warm trickle of water coming down my leg. I said “i think my water broke or I just peed my pants”😂 so we called the nurse. She cleaned me up and made sure it was my water that broke.... it was! It was all happening so fast! By this time it was like 12 am. The doctor didn’t seem worried about the baby’s heart rate because I was progressing so quickly on my own and didn’t find it necessary for a c section. My contractions started picking up and were unbearable they were now 2mins apart. The nurse asked me if I wanted my epidural and I was like “yup”!! Once I got that I felt great! Didn’t feel a thing. I was talking to everyone in my room just relaxing. At around 230am I kept saying “I feel like I have to poop 💩... there’s so much pressure down there.” The nurse was like.. “ok I’m going to check you, that’s a sign of labor” she checked and I was fully dilated and effaced! She yelled “let’s have a baby” she called in for the doctor and the charge nurse. They came in and I started pushing. I pushed for 20-30 mins and my beautiful baby girl arrived 😍😍 I had such an amazing beautiful experience. I wouldn’t change a thing about my labor! The most important thing is baby girl was 100% healthy 🙌🏻💪🏻.

Welcome my beautiful miss

Camryn Aaliyah 💗


5.22.18 🎂

19.5 inches long