Single parent guilt


My DD is now 7 months old and her father and I don’t are not together. He is on CS but he always claims if I need anything just ask and I’ll ask he will say yes and I’ll never get what it is I asked for. I don’t harp on him or complain I don’t bring up all the mean things he has said or done I don’t remind him of the promises he has made. Half of me don’t care the other half is annoyed because she is amazing and it’s only natural to want your baby and their dad to have a functioning relationship and a bond. He works out of state and claims when he flies in she and he will be taking pics along with his other 3kids *boys* like I said he always says things but never follows through so I like he is just talking to give me that warm fuzzy feeling but he won’t follow through. So is it bad I always feel the need to thank him for my daughter like she is my happiness and when I see her I always see him and think of all the things I want for them and he just doesn’t seem like the type to do daddy daughter things and she deserves it. He denied she was his after he found out I was pregnant then after I had her we had to stay in NICU she was 8weeks early and he never once came to see her he always said he would and never did. Instead he asked for pictures to compare her to himself to see if she favored him he once again denied her and I had to force him to do a DNA. Now he just tells me what I want to hear to keep to quiet so I do to keep the peace between us for her sake I don’t want him mad at me and so he abandons her because he is tired of me nagging and complaining....but I really want more from him besides his money m