Can weight problems cause infertility?

Ive been trying a little over a year my BMI is 32, im 167cm tall( 5 feet 5 inch) and 91kg(200 pounds) .. as ive been putting on the weight i saw that my cycles went as high as 38, averagly id be 29-32. Ive put on roughly around 12 kg(26pounds) in one year(last year) ever since then ive just mantained my weight, as i came to realization of my bad food habits.. Ive went dr for a day 3 blood test, and a vaginal ultrasound, all was normal apart from i had just VERY slight high free tesosterone and kindaLow shbg levels. So im thinking the low shbg levels is what causing the slight free tesosterone abit high???
Im 20 btw, and hve a minor acne ever since as a teenager. I would appreciate if someone gave me advice here.. THANKYOU X baby dust to all!