Please stop comparing

C 🖤

I’ve seen so many posts here lately that are encouraging us ladies to post pictures of ourselves for whatever reason, and inevitably I’m also seeing feelings getting hurt as we compare ourselves to one another. I understand the good intentions behind such posts, I really do, but that can only carry so far before negativity sets in.

We are all beautiful, strong, capable, intelligent, unique, and worthy. We are all different, and these subtle differences empower us and make us who we are. We all have scars, traumas, and insecurities in some shape or form. We have memories, pasts, goals, ambitions.

We cannot keep comparing ourselves to one another. This body we are blessed with may not look exactly as we wish, it may not work exactly how we’d like, and we might not have total control over it all of the time. Our minds may not be what we’d consider “perfect”. But does it matter? Not really. Not in the bigger picture.

Be kind, helpful, and loving. Compare yourself only to improve yourself, not to judge others or put them or yourself down.

We need more positivity and support in the world, let’s start here ❤️