i’ve been blushing for hours now


so i have a crush on this guy and he likes me back, but its WAY more complicated than it looks.

Like his friends usually hint out that he has a crush on me. Whenever his name is brought up, they all look at me with “the look” (if you know what i mean). Other days , they will try to be subtle and say “hey just saying, you and my friend should go out” and so on.

We rarely see each other. He always has track and lifeguard training and now that it is isu and exam szn, finding time together is really difficult. As well, he has really strict hispanic parents that let him go out once every blue moon.

There are more reasons I can list on my part, but so far, I feel like that is the only thing holding HIM back from me.

As flirtatious as he is face to face, whenever we message, HE IS SOOO DRY. I asked him out 5 times and it’s like he doesn’t get a hint. I like you back dummyhead, now just say yes. Whenever he says he’s busy, he never gives me the time of day. I’m very spontaneous, like come on now, just hit me up and we can go out. simple.

So anywhooo, I posted on my snapchat that i was working as a hint for him to come visit me. My work is close to his house so it was very beneficial to work there. I work at Mcdonalds and I was getting the orders for Drive Thru. I turn around to get the beverages and I see him waitingg for his meal.

I couldn’t stop smiling. I kept looking back to make sure it wasn’t some situation i made up all in my head. But it was actually him. I smiled, he smiled. God, his smile. I felt bad because I couldn’t talk to him and I didn’t do cashier until an hour later and he was already gone by then.

He only looked at me for 5 seconds as if that was enough for him. For the rest of the shift until now I’m blushing.

But damn, whenever I’m with that kid, he makes me feel like we’re the only two people. And it sucks that I can’t date him because of the circumstances we are in, with me having a job and being in leadership and him in training and track while both balancing our education. It’s not fair. But on the bright side, summer vacation is approaching and hopefully, everything will fall into place. Because as cliche as I am sounding, for him, I am willing to wait. And when the time comes, it will all be worth it.