How bad is this? 🙊🙈

So, I was working at my job for a few months. All was well when they brought in a new manager. Everything was fine, but he avoided me. I could tell by the way he acted at work. Tried talking to other people when I was the one in charge of ‘whatever’ it was at the time. Well we were working late one night and I finally couldn’t stand it. I walked straight up to him. I asked him his name, Mike, and introduced myself. After he told me his name, I told him he was going to be called Wazoski. After that we kiiiinda started talking more and more at work. We weren’t flirting or anything, SWEAR!

I added him on Facebook. I then got a little.... interested. I asked if he had Snap, which he gave to me almost too quickly. I added him on Snap, still, no flirting. Then a day came where I was too worked up. Being single and it being a while since I had any kind of action, I started sending flirtatious Snaps to him, which he flirted back!

We were talking about movies each of us had or hadn’t seen, and he mentioned one neither of us had. Obviously, I suggested maybe a movie night, which he jumped on. Because of us both having 2 kids from a previous relationship, we planed this 2 WEEKS out! Not talking about it to anyone, seeing each other at working knowing damn well what was up.

Day finally came, and of course I was wearing my sexy matching bra and undies. 😉 Well, uh, things escalated pretty quickly after drinking and, um, needless to say, shit went down.

May I just say, it was really enjoyable. Like, I can’t wait for the next time I can jump on that! Now, I know that it’s not good to sleep with someone in the workplace, especially your manager of all people, but we both are at an agreement that it’s just a FWB kind of deal. I just constantly catch him looking at me and we both start smiling. Like a dirty little secret. Is that bad..?