BFP 12 DPO (4 weeks 1 day) then barely there?!


Talk me off this crazy ledge...

Took a cheapie pregnancy test at 12 DPO at around 6:30am and it was very faint. So I held in my urine for 6 hours and took a FRER and got the first result in the photo, a BFP!

I relaxed the following day, enjoyed life and didn’t think about testing, but today (14 DPO) I got curious. Again, I tested with another cheapie at around 6:30am (this is when my dog wakes me up to pee 😂) and it was light again. I went back to sleep for three hours and then took another FRER and I got the second picture. I’m freaking out!

Is it just because my urine concentration of HcG went down? I didn’t drink much before going to back to bed for three hours... but the first test was around noon? I still have all the signs. Fatigue and breast tenderness. AF is over three days late! Tell me it will be ok! Ahhhh!