open relationship?

Okay so even though sex isn't the #1 priority in a relationship I feel it's very important to have a good sex life. well let's just say my man would rather jack off than have sex with me he won't even let me help jack him off or even let me watch him as he jerks off and just cum on me. I can't handle it and masturbating isn't satisfying me or cutting it anymore. I try to talk to him but he doesn't seem to care or want to fix it he just gets mad. We always joke and he says maybe your sancho can take care of you while I'm at work (but I'm not seeing anyone else and he knows that) although I've joked about it back and he seems to get pissed if I did have sex with anyone else. I love this man dearly and we have a family together but I dont think just because we're not sexually compatible that we should break up so I always thought maybe have a open relationship? that way I'm sexually satisfied and don't bug him about it and it will stop our arguments about me not getting laid enough and then I could care less if he jacked off or not cuz id be getting mine. are there any people in a open relationship reading this and if so how did u guys agree on it? Did having a open relationship ruin your relationship? Is this a good idea yes or no or should we just break up even though we have a new daughter together and my other kids already became attached to him?

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