Hottie help! I need advice girls!!

Okay, so this extremely gorgeous guy, I’m talking the most attractive guy i’ve ever laid my eyes on, was checking me out at the vets office, I noticed it, the person I was with noticed it, whatever, my question is, I really wanted to keep talking to him but he (obvi) didn’t ask for my number and I (obvi) didn’t ask for his, should I volunteer at the vets to get to know him better? Should I just ask for his number next time I’m in? What do I do?!?! I’m so excited, he’s so cute.

(Oh also before I get questions or confusion clouding any judgment, I’m a senior in HS & he is a college vet assistant. I didn’t know how I made it sound so I’m just pointing it out, I know some people get side tracked or hung up on little details they notice.)