

I go into be induced tomorrow night. They aren’t going to start with pitocin until the morning after, but will start with something to ripen my cervix that night I believe. On Friday I was only .5 centimeters dilated. More than anything I’m freaked out about having an IV in my hand (I hate the feeling of something being pumped into me... I don’t even mind the pain or anything it just creeps me out lol). Also I’m just not really sure what to expect in general and that’s not helping my anxiety. Does anyone have any tips on anything having to do with induction? I’m going to call my midwife today to ask for more details about the plan since I was so out of it at my last appointment to ask anything (90 degree days and pregnancy brain don’t mix well). Any tips or positive induction stories or anything would be helpful. 😩 For reference I’m gonna be 41 weeks tomorrow.