Don’t know where my G-spot is

I have recently become sexual active and I don’t masturbate, cause I don’t feel turned on by myself lol. I only get turned on when someone else is touching me, not by myself (no judgement)

I have never cum so far. My guy really wants to make me cum but I just can’t get there. He asked me to help him find my g spot but I have no fucking clue where it is myself. I mean there are spots which feel good but idk if that’s what a g spot is it not. And I can’t take too much of stimulation either. This might be funny to some of you but I always tell him to stop when it gets too hot. Also I told him to stop one time cause I felt like I needed to pee, he told me that that was because I was about to squirt but I was so concerned that I might pee on him that I rushed to the bathroom. I feel dumb 😅

Please help with any kinda advice.

Thanks ladies ❤️