My boyfriend hates my natural hair!!


I’m happy, I’m always laughing and smiling. I’m in a relationship where trust comes first, love keeps it together and communication is a must.

So I shouldn’t be complaining right??

Well, I have just one problem. Ever since I got with my boyfriend, he’s been going on about how he can’t wait for me to grow my hair out just so I can perm or flat iron it. When we first met, my hair was shaved clean off and he told me that he thought I was beautiful. Now, as it’s growing, the comments about my hair are more frequent. We spoke about it, he said it had nothing to do with my hair texture and that he just has a preference for straight hair.

I rreeeeaaalllllyyyyy didn’t wanna make this a color thing but it’s a interracial relationship and him bugging me about it is making me think that my hair texture is something he’s not going to be okay with-ever. I’ve always done whatever I felt like with my hair, I’ve never been one to do anything because someone told me so. I love him, but we’ve come too far for me to let him or anyone make me perm my hair.

Am I blowing it out of proportion? Is it a really texture thing or a preference thing? Has this ever happened to you??

Here’s a picture of my ‘textured’ hair.