I can’t stand him touching me! What do I do?

I been with this man off and on for two years.

I love him, I really do.

He’s my best friend and I find him physically attractive BUT... even since the very beginning... I never felt “sexually” attracted to him.

I couldn’t and still can’t bare him touching me. When he does it makes me cranky and I feel invaded and gross.

I cant stand when he tried to have sex with me.

Just him trying to cuddle repulses me.

I feel guilty I feel this why.

He’s a great man, he just annoys me and I don’t want to sleep with him.

Why??? I hate it. I want to be able to but I can’t.

I been trying for two years.

When I try to leave and fights back and wants to work on it. I try, I really do...

I feel guilty leaving over sex.

But I feel miserable and like I’m avoiding situations where he can make moves.

I’m a very sexual person, I have been in relationships where I craved my partners touch.

Why not his?

Should I leave?

If I do leave how do I tell him?

Why do I feel so guilty 😩