Short cycles

Teresa • Two boys 👦🏼 👦🏼 Two angels 👼🏻 👼🏻

I had an MMC in January. Baby grew to 6w3d and then stopped. I had a d&c; two weeks later. We waited one cycle and have been TTC since. My cycles have been really short (24 days) with my luteal phase only being eight days long. Has anyone else had this happen? How can I lengthen my luteal phase?

I got pregnant first month trying with both pregnancies (first was with my son who is almost two and second was the miscarriage). It’s now been four cycles of trying and nothing. I’m terrified something is wrong or that somehow the d&c; caused some damage. Is that a legitimate concern or is it just my anxiety talking? We’ve been trying everything and so far nothing is working!