But I’m 9 days late for my period I’m on a regular 28 day cycle and I’ve never been this late for my period before for the past week I’ve been having this CM and I know it’s not an infection cause there is No smell, and I’ve only been with one partner (Aka My husband) we have been TTC for baby #2 for over 7 months now, and I haven’t got a positive yet, with my son I got a positive at exactly 4 weeks. And now I’m just playing the waiting game for AF, but as anyone ever gotten this type of CM and got a BFP give a gal some hope, I literally have no sign of AF even showing her face. And it’s weird but I’ve been craving hot sauce on everything, and literally I want Cajun beef jerky all day everyday, anything that will set my mouth on fire I want it. And that is not normal for me. Can someone give a gal some hope?