Help! What to do?


Ladies I’m getting about a billion opinions thrown at me by family right now and I could use some other perspectives. My 6 month old is EBF and I have maternity leave until January. He used to take a bottle — no issues til 4 months — then we kind of stopped bc there was no need for me to pump. Now we’ve discovered he won’t take a bottle. He always takes a pacifier with no issues. Both my mother and MIL are suddenly crazy and saying he’ll go from the breast to a sippy cup like it’s a death sentence. I get that this is a major inconvenience, and I wanted to start him in a church parents day out this month so I could get things done. Now it looks like I could leave him 2-3 hours max bc of the bottle issue. But here’s the thing — do I really need to battle him? Is there something I’m not seeing about his development or well being? He’ll be over 13 months when I go back to work two days a week soooo 🤷🏼‍♀️ it just breaks my heart to hear him cry bc he doesn’t understand why mama won’t feed him. We both end up sobbing 😣

Oh yes and both families live a plane flight away so it’s not about them getting time with baby. I just feel like women in that generation are really into baby independence. But I don’t mind that my baby needs me. Is that short sighted of me? Thanks for your input ladies!!