Stressing out

Okay so my husband and I are expecting our baby to come any day now, and we live in a different state than all of our family. We have a plethora of visitors scheduled (first my mom, then his mom, then some cousins, then his dad, etc) it’s basically a never ending stream of visitors from now until Christmas. I am very happy that everyone wants to come meet baby. However, I am already extremely annoyed and stressed out at the idea of entertaining people and our house being on display for such an extended period of time. On top of that, i am stressed out about how to handle telling people to get their tDap vaccines before they come. I also want everyone to change out of their airport clothes once they get here and wash themselves before expecting to touch the baby. Am I being a crazy ftm or are these things reasonable?

Also, my brother had his baby a few months ago and him and his fiancé made everyone get the tDap. Well come to find out, my mom, who will be here for the delivery/2 weeks after, lied to them about getting it and confessed to me that she actually never got it. This PISSED me off beyond belief, and now I feel like she’s going to lie to me too. I’m about an inch away from just telling her not to bother coming (this goes into a deep ongoing problem I’ve had with her my entire life with her being dishonest and irresponsible) I want to ask for documentation that she actually got vaccinated and plan on doing so.

I’m suffering from insomnia (it’s 3 am right now) thinking about all of these things. What are everyone’s thoughts on this? Did you make your families get vaccinated before being in contact with your newborns? How did you tell visitors to wash themselves before meeting baby? Ugh