bad friends?

i have this close group of friends, 4 girls, me included and we have this group chat where we text 24/7, about literally everything. we're all close friends but i feel like i'm always the one keeping us close. i'm always trying to plan stuff to do together and i'm always there for everyone. i stay up late on call with them, i call them out on their shit when they need it, i text them when they're feeling awkward at a family reunion so they feel less awkward. and yet i'm always taken for granted. if i didn't try so hard we would drift apart so fast. none of us go to the same school and we barely see each other at practice anymore. and when i try to hang out some of them always have bs answers about why they don't want to. i don't want to force anyone to hang out with me cause if they don't want to that's fine but then wen they ned something i'm always doing favors. also im always going all out for their birthdays and xmas and didn't eat me anything for my birthday. which is fine, but no effort was shown at all which hurts u know? what do i do?