Coping with rape *trigger warning(just in case)*

I just needed some place to vent. Last night I was having amazinggggg sex until my bf finished and I had a flashback feeling of when I was raped. This was the first time something like this has ever happened and I immediately wanted to cry but I held it back cause I really didn't want to talk about it with my bf. I was raped 4 years ago and I still struggle with trying to get over it bc I remember the incident so easily except everything that happened after is a blur. I don't remember how I left that garage and ended up in another room where I started taking off my clothes and then I was pulled out of that room and brought upstairs where I fell asleep. I just remember I wasn't myself that night and I have no idea how I was so out of it after I was assaulted. I barely drank, I only remember drinking half of those little limearitas and being called out for baby sipping. Idk it's just really unsettling to not know what happened after