post coital bleeding with Skyla IUD


I've had my iud in place for about 2 years and have had no issues with it until now. I have endometriosis and was being dropped from my parents health insurance so my gyno thought this would be my best option to continue to regulate my cycle. Anyway, I've been with my current man for about 2 months and in the past 3 weeks I've bled in the middle of or after sex. there's no pain or cramping involved and I didn't even notice it at first. But now he's saying he can feel the plastic of my iud when we're together. Idk if it's trying to expel itself or if its just moved or what but my cycle is off again and I'm kinda freaking out. I've taken several pregnancy tests due to late periods and intense nausea but they're all negative. Has anyone else had any issues like these?