Can’t even vent on here in peace though 🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Bruh I really just posted on here to vent and these women are out here being mad at me for feeling how I feel & they have the nerve to selectively read what they want to.

Have you ever called somebody a bitch who deserves it?? I am pretty sure every one of you has. So when I rant on here and call someone a bitch do not get all self-righteous on me and make me look like the bad guy. I am actually a pretty nice person. Believe it or not some people are actually bitches 😂🤷🏾‍♀️

If I post on here NOT asking for feedback .Please believe that I am not looking for your feedback. However, If you respond to my forums and you actually take the time to thoroughly read my forums without passing judgement & are positive? Well I really appreciate it! 💛

On one hand if you respond with some bullshit AKA “entitled opinion” when you didn’t even THOROUGHLY read my post & choose to misinterpret what I say well that is your problem. You can take your “opinion and yourself to the 🚮 READ what I say first then we can talk about opinions. 🙄