gwtting pregant on contraceptive??

so I'm a year PP. LO turned 1 on the 16th.. But I have this strange feeling I could be pregnant? I started to notice my belly bloating a week ago and it's getting bigger.. I tried eating only salad for the week and water to get rid of the bloat but it still stayed and clothes are getting tight? also my boobs are growing rapid and I'm super tired.. I was meant to get AF today but no sign of it? I haven't had a proper period since my son.. I started back bleeding at about 5 months PP but would only bleed a few hours the last day before starting my contrecption cycle again.. no cramps or bleeding at all this month and I'm due to start my contraception cycle tomorrow? has anyone gotten pregnant while taking the Nuvaring on this??And how did it happen? (e.g. did you put ring in a day late) I will test if I don't bleed by Friday... although were not TTC at the moment I'm kinda a little excited about the idea of a surprise baby..