need help!?


i havent had a period in 2 months ( my periods are irregular ). i took 3 pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. so i know thats not an issue. i was using another period tracking app and it said i was suppose to get off my period on the 15th. me and my boyfriend had sex on the 16th and the condom broke and he accidentally did his.. thing, inside of me. its been about two weeks and yesterday i had this mucusy-like white/clear discharge ( no smell or burning sensation ) but very little & havent had it since. today its just been kind of watery-like white discharge. he’s been doing research and we have not figured out a thing! im suppose to start my period on the 8th according to the tracking app and i got off my ovulation a few days ago ( as the app says ) i need advice, i dont know what to think. could i be pregnant or is it normal? someone please give advice!! it’d be highly appreciated. i’d love to be pregnant but we’re not in the best financial situation rn to afford one.