Dislocated rib!

Brittany • Ilaria Jo. Born on her due date! 7/19, weighing 7.19lbs, 19.75inches! ❤️ 1:34pm

So I thought I had a kidney stone. Severe pain in my back that brought me to tears...I’ve got a pretty high pain tolerance. Finally called the doctor after one night of pretty much consistent crying/pain. Went to see the dr the next morning. He tells me that he believes I pulled a muscle 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

So much pain for a muscle-I felt dumb...especially since I’m about to push out a baby 😂

He recommended me see my chiropractor (who I’ve been seeing regularly a slipped disc before I was pregnant).

Go see the chiropractor the next morning....I’ve DISLOCATED A RIB!!!! What?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ My chiropractor has 6 kids so wasn’t surprised and popped it back in place. Didn’t hurt and I could immediately breath better!

Crazy!!! I’ve cracked ribs before and this pain was nothing like a crack.

So glad it wasn’t a kidney stone!!!

Anyone else have this happen?!