Dear worst best friend ever.

Do you even realize how stupid you look. Do you know the reason we stoped being friends. You are the most negative, manipulative and, crazy person I have ever met. You’d do anything for a guys attention and you’d bully anyone for talking to a guy you’re interested in. Like —- for example “ I can’t beat you because I’m 18 but i can bully you till you finally let go of your worthless life and kill yourself.” Really classy of you. You’re psychotic and everyone in the school talks about what crazy thing you’re going to try and do next. And telling people that me being raped was a stunt to get a reaction. Oh but I didn’t tell anyone except you so imagine my surprise when everyone knows? Weird how could I get attention from it if I only told you. You try to turn the tables on me but the thing is baby I don’t hide my cards everyone knows who I like and who I don’t. I don’t go behind other people’s backs and call them STD infested rats then become bffs with them when I have no one else left. And you screaming outside your ex’s house because he moved on is unexplainably crazy. I get you were going through a “hard time” but I’m not your servant who waits for you to need a shoulder to cry on. You were the worst friend anyone could ask for. Hope you have fun doing drugs and having sex with underage boys. Karmas a bitch.

Sorry it’s all jumbled but she is such a crappy person and letting her go has done nothing but improve my life.