Long distance relationships...


Sorry I just feel like venting because it’s so hard to get anyone with a similar situation

So in the fall my bf and I will be transferring colleges, he’s going to be hours away and I’m staying closer to home.

The big problem here is I really don’t want to be in a long distance relationship.. If I’m being real, I’m honestly just not meant for one, I’m not a big texter, caller, etc and I already know this is going to be huge issue for starters and two I honestly just don’t miss people to the point of where I feel dependent on them (I’ve moved around a lot). My bf on the other is the complete opposite he needs that constant validation.

We’ve been together almost two years, and I’ve always expressed that I didn’t like LDRs but he’s so caught up with the idea that “we’re different” blah blah “we can make it through.”

But from a realistic point of view the second we get into the college grind, it’s going to be way more difficult (he’s planning on getting 2 jobs to help pay his rent) so I just don’t see it as it working out to see each other very often. I’ve expressed this all to him but he’s just so heads over heels and thinks it will all work out. Mind you this the boy who misses me hardcore after a couple of weeks w/o seeing me..

I feel at a standpoint because this is kind of a dumb reason to break up but at the same time it’s not fair to not try it out.. Even though I know myself and I know what I’m like