Set Up my Mini At Home Salon

Deje • 26 year old FTM. 👑👶🏽🤱🏾💍💚 Enjoying life with my baby boy. Iese Jr. born 2/1/2018.

So after having my baby boy I’ve found it pretty hard to get a job and find child care. These past four months I’ve been in the house strictly tending to baby needs. With the wants and needs of an income I’ve decided to go ahead and attend a cosmetology program at a local community college (which offers childcare while I’m in class 🙏🏾) to earn an A.S degree in cosmetology and obtain the cosmetology license. In the meantime I’ve opened a mini at home salon to earn extra income and build clientele. I’ve always done hair as a side income so I figured this would work out perfect for me.

Salon Area

Client Cam (pics are from my instagram)

Client Selfies