Always trust your gut! If you feel he’s cheating, he’s cheating.

I am 24 weeks & 3 days pregnant & have not gained a single pound. I weigh myself every Monday, first thing in the morning & will usually fluctuate about a pound or 2 but so far I weigh exactly the same as I did when I first found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I eat fine, a lot actually but I just feel so stressed & depressed. My husband used to treat me like such a princess, spoiled rotten, typical dotting husband, everything.... & then it just switched. 💔 he treats me like shit & is so disrespectful. It breaks my heart that he can treat me like this knowing I’m carrying his child.

Anyways, tonight I went to grab his phone to install this new app I wanted him to use & as soon as he saw me walking towards his phone he lunged at it & started acting really weird. I immediately got that punched in the gut feeling we women get when we know something is wrong so I ask him what is he hiding or why is he so scared of me grabbing his phone (I don’t look thru it & literally never grab it unless it’s to google something really quick or he is showing me something). He is acting so nervous & shows me his Facebook messenger & scrolls thru saying “look there’s nothing...” he’s on it for a couple more seconds with the screen away from me & then hands it to me & says “here I’m not hiding anything”. He has an iPhone & i have an iPhone so I’m familiar with double clicking the home button to show you the last used apps & his snapchat comes up before the messenger (which means he opened it after showing me his messenger) so I show him & ask him why he opened his snapchat if he’s not hiding anything & he says “look at my chats there’s nothing there”. Well I know you can delete chats so I take a pic & hit send just so his recents come up & as his “best friend” (yellow heart) pops up a guys name but the screenname is obviously a girls. I ask him about it & the lies just start pouring out of his mouth. Turns out it’s one of his friends wife he’s been snapchatting & he tried to save it under his name. Before I knew who it was I asked him if this girl he’s been snapchatting knows he’s married & he says it’s never come up that they just do small talk “okayyyy well does she know you’re having a baby???” “No we don’t talk about that” like wtfffff so now I’m like not only are you denying me, ur denying ur son?!?! But this girl knows me, knows we’re married, knows we’re having a baby, everything! When we first found out we were expecting, before we announced, he couldn’t hold the news in he just wanted to tell everybody we came across 💔💔💔 I honestly don’t know what to do or feel...I’ve been trying so hard to not be depressed or let him get to me for my baby’s sake but I just can’t anymore...I literally feel physical pain where my heart is, like this deep, intense sadness. My heart breaks knowing that my child isn’t even born yet & he already has been dealt a shitty hand & has to feel all of the emotions I feel. 9 months, it’s only 9 months...but he couldn’t even respect me for those 9 months. Men who disrespect or cheat on their pregnant wives are scum! It’s 3am where I live & I can’t even sleep because I have so many thoughts running through my I leave? Do I stay? Do I put my child through this? I’m embarrassed to tell any of my family because I don’t want their judgement or input, they will just make me feel like I’ve failed more than I already do. Sorry for the long rant, just needed to vent a little bit.

Please excuse any typos, I am writing this through tears. 💔💔💔