HELP! IUD and Sex Pain?!

I had an IUD placed at the end of Dec 2017 when I was 8 weeks postpartum. I have now had it for 5 months and sex is still very uncomfortable. At first I was attributing the pain to my body not healing from the baby, but I think we’re past that. My husband and I cannot have sex in any position that would allow him to go too deep because there is a really sharp poking pain in my uterus. He says he can also feel it (I know lots of people say it’s the strings needing shortened but my OBGYN said they’re not long and are properly curved). It’s totally killing our sex life 😩

Has anyone else experienced this? I go back to the gynecologist next week and am strongly considering asking for my Mirena to be removed. I keep reading online that this isn’t possible and shouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t know what else it could be!