Advice?? Rant??

The guy I’m talking to is caught up on his ex. I asked him for his IG when we first started talking and he said he didn’t have one. Though, his IG kept popping up on my “suggested people” feed. I procrastinated on asking him about it because it honestly wasn’t a big deal and I was honestly more curious then anything else. So, I decided to ask him on Tuesday and he said that he still has some pictures of his ex on there because he “hasn’t completely closed the door on her”. We met on tinder and he said he was just trying out the app for hookups but didn’t expect to jump into anything so quickly after his breakup (3 weeks). I am still talking to him because it’s stupid for me to get upset over his past experiences but I can’t help but wonder. I’m confident in myself and don’t compare myself to his ex but I just don’t want to waste my time... ya know? This is more of just a rant post but if you guys have comments, lay them on me!