
Brianna • 21 • pcos • ttc w 1st for 2yrs • ga

I’ve been doing some research on vitex and I want to see if it’s helped anyone else with similar issues as myself.

I’m 20 years old - will be 21 at the end of this year. I have really irregular periods and always have. The only thing that made them regular was birth control. When I first started at 14, I suspected something was wrong but my pediatrician said it’d change as time went on. Well, here I am almost 21 and still no luck regulating myself. I’m 98 lbs and 5’3. I was told at my last OB appointment that the cyst they told me about before had ruptured and I had a lot of excess fluid from the bursted cyst. I finally got a period earlier this month after being 43 days into my cycle and it was a darker brown color (tmi, I know). I’m also pretty positive at this point I am anovulatory. Anyways, I’m wondering if vitex could help me in this situation. I don’t want to jump into clomid right now because I do not want to hyper-stimulate my ovaries any.
