No reason for bleeding at 14 weeks 4 days


So I’m so confused! I had the most emotional day!

I woke up at 5.30am to go pee, on wiping noticed bright red blood on the tissue, looked down the toilet to see my worst fear, bright red in colour, obviously the blood was mixed with urine so I can’t be sure how much blood there was! I went to the emergency department, was sent to an obs & gynae ward to be examined by a doctor who swapped me for infection, but assured me there wasn’t much blood and that there was no clotting which was a good sign! So I was booked in for a scan at 1.45pm so had to go home and come back for the scan. The bleeding wasn’t a constant flow but seemed to be coming out when I was peeing, this happened 3/4 times this morning.

By the time I went back for the scan the bleeding had stopped, I had my scan the sonographer was happy showed my baby wriggling around and most importantly the heart was beating away! My placenta is high also. I cried again for the 100th time today but with tears of relief. Went back to see a doctor with the scan results and they reassured me that everything is fine I’m not having a miscarriage and the possible reason for bleeding could be that the neck of my womb is irritated but they didn’t know the reason for the bleeding. I don’t really know what that means, at this point the bleeding had stopped so I didn’t really worry, but I’ve been home about 2 hours and Im noticing spotting when I wipe, nothing as bad as this morning though. I don’t want to go back after two hours but im still spotting and I don’t know how long I should wait it out. Has anyone been through something similar who can advise? Xx