Audrey update - graduated to the OB!


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I would say the main reason I was so worried about today’s appointment was because I know several people who heard the heartbeat around 8 or 9weeks then went back a couple weeks later and it was gone. Including my SIL. And when I was talking to her about it after our last appointment (which was at 9+1) I was saying I heard the chance of miscarriage decreases significantly if you hear the heartbeat after 8 weeks. Her response was β€œwell we heard the heartbeat ...” and she was alluding to their miscarriage. So that was not a helpful conversation for me!!! Not exactly the encouragement / reassurance someone wants to hear in the first trimester πŸ™„

It also did not help that I ordered a fetal doppler and was not able to find the heartbeat. I assumed it was user error, but my doctor even said he doesn’t recommend using them because he sees it cause a lot of women to worry. I brought it to the appointment and he tried to find the heartbeat with it but couldn’t. Luckily we heard it on the ultrasound machine - so I’m thinking I’ll retire the doppler for a few weeks πŸ€—

I’ll go back in a week and a half for NT scan and blood work. Then he said my appointments will be every 3 weeks. I promise I won’t post updates after each appointment, LOL! I was just so worried today and am feeling so relieved. I always appreciate y’alls support!!

Mark leaves again on Tuesday, so I will be in charge of managing the contractors for the remodel, making design decisions, packing, and moving while he’s gone. Our lease ends June 30 ... our remodel likely won’t be completely finished quite yet ... and Mark gets back July 4/5 - how convenient for him - haha! We’ll start slowly telling friends over the next few weeks as well.