My quick birth story!

Sierra • Bentley James Dean ❤️ Jaxsyn Enoch Ray 💙 Raidyn Xander Reid 💚 Maddox Graycen Dale due 11.6.19 💛

On May 31st I woke up around 9am, and an hour later I felt like I had peed on myself. I got up went to the bathroom, changed my clothes, and went back to my normal routine. Throughout the next three and half hours, I slowly started to realize that my water had broke. I called my mother-in-law to come get my kids, called my husband who was at work two hours away that I was about to head to the hospital, and to get there when he could. I called my dad last, and he came to take me to labor and delivery. I got to the hospital around 1:45pm, was taken back to an observation room at 2:05pm where they confirmed my water was broke, and I was dilated 4cm and 70% effaced. I got put back in delivery room at 3:00pm where they started me on antibiotics since by GBS came back positive, and I began to feel mild contractions. An hour later they started my pitocin, and my doctor came in to place the internal monitor. He checked me again, and I had progressed to 5.5cm dilated. At 4:45pm I got my epidural, and when my nurse came back to check me I was 8cm dilated. 30mins went by, and I started feeling extremely nauseous, and had tons of pressure. I called the nurse back in at 6:00pm and I was 10cm dilated, and ready to start pushing! They got everything set up, and at 6:20pm I started pushing with everything I had! 16mins later, Raidyn Xander Reid made his way into the world weighing 7lbs 7oz, and was 19in long! I had no tearing or stitches, just two little stretch marks!