Can we just leave it at congratulations?


I know I probably sound like a brat! However, I am DREADING announcing our pregnancy. I am almost 16

Weeks and we find out the sex in a couple of days. We have told our parents and a couple other family members and that’s it. We are waiting to know the gender to announce to everyone. My problem is I get VERY annoyed! Everyone asks so many questions and it’s all the same questions and I can’t stand it/ every time someone finds out they ask... are you excited? Was it planned? I thought you didn’t want anymore kids? What made you want another? What are you gonna do with 3 kids? Like I hate all these questions!!!! And when we announce it I feel like it’s going to get worse lol I just don’t like talking about it and getting into all my

Personal decisions and just wish everyone could just say congrats and leave it at that!!!! Am I the only one who feels like this? Please share!!!!! And what is a good way to announce but also in a nice way say don’t ask a single question lmao!